The Skybound Family consists of highly dedicated flight instructors and operations staff and very caring owners.
Meet our Crew!
Operations Crew
Chief Executive Officer
Evanthe is a private pilot with over 700 hours. She is responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of Skybound. It is her mission to make sure your experience at Skybound is pleasant and fun.
efp@skybnd.com | (404) 210-1442
Chief Operating Officer
Jonathan is a private pilot and avid business traveler, but prefers to fly himself whenever possible. Jonathan has his tail wheel, high-performance and complex endorsements.
jebbeler@skybnd.com | (678) 691-3283
Marketing & Communications Director
Ashley is responsible for guiding Skybound's marketing efforts and brand identity. She isn't a pilot, but her first flight lesson was in Fiona complete with loops, spins and barrel rolls. Any questions/concerns or marketing opportunities don't hesitate to reach out.
aebbeler@skybnd.com | (678) 691-3283
Office Manager
Dana is the office manager. She assists our clients with getting familiar with our systems, checking planes out and back in, scheduling flights, working closely with our instructors, and general daily office stuff.
djparker@skybnd.com | (678) 691-3283
Instruction Crew
Our instructors' are independent contractors. Some teach for the love of flying and some teach because they are building hours in order to work for a commercial operation or the airlines. Either way, we are very excited to be able to offer our clients a well rounded option for their flight training. Check out our instructor rates!
Chief Flight Instructor
Glenn is a part-time independent flight instructor. He is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel and former military instructor pilot. In addition to teaching in our primary trainers (Cessna’s and Piper’s), Glenn is one of our CFI’s that teaches in our tail wheel airplane “Fiona”. Glenn enjoys sharing his love of taildragger flying with others…and occasionally getting things a little upside down (if you know what we mean!).
glenn@quarterwinds.co | (770) 630-9222
Check Instructor
Joe Lanier has spent most of his adult life working in and around textiles mills in the southeast. When manufacturing moved overseas, he pursued his lifelong dream of flying. Joe became a private pilot in 2006 and began teaching in 2010. Except for a short training stint in Greensboro, NC, Joe has been based at PDK Airport. He is a full-time instructor for private and instrument students in the Cessna and Cirrus aircraft.
n109tjl@yahoo.com | (706) 773-1504